
Regular Season Stats (Leaders) - 2019

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Note: A minimum of 1 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Tyler Marcotte 17
2. Thomas Scripnick 13
3. Kevin Furtney 11
4. Joey Ouellette 10
5. Simon Romero 7
Batting Average AVG
1. Felix Collins .500
2. Dan Boucher .467
3. Sheldon Belanger .462
4. Simon Romero .425
5. Kevin Furtney .423
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Felix Collins .750
2. Kevin Furtney .605
3. Dan Boucher .556
4. Thomas Scripnick .548
5. Sheldon Belanger .533
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Sheldon Belanger .769
2. Kevin Furtney .692
3. Simon Romero .650
4. David Chantigny .632
5. Dan Boucher .600
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. Sheldon Belanger 1.303
2. Kevin Furtney 1.298
3. Felix Collins 1.250
4. Simon Romero 1.161
5. Dan Boucher 1.156
Plate Appearances PA
1. Simon Romero 47
2. Cedrick Morin 46
3. Tyler Marcotte 44
4. Thomas Scripnick 42
5. Nico Hall 40
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
1. Felix Collins 50.0
2. Tyler Marcotte 38.6
3. Thomas Scripnick 31.0
4. Kevin Furtney 29.7
5. Ryan Templeman 27.3
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
1. Richard Byrnes 80.0
2. Tyler Marcotte 74.1
3. Keenan Roy 70.6
4. Nico Hall 61.8
5. Mason Koostacin 50.0
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
1. Kevin Furtney 3.67
2. Dan Boucher 3.00
3. Stephen Morgan 2.50
4. Sheldon Belanger 2.00
5. Felix Collins 2.00
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
1. Andrew Lucking 100.0
2. Dan Boucher 58.3
3. David Chantigny 57.1
4. Simon Romero 55.6
5. Gary Huskow 50.0
Note: A minimum of 1 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Earned Run Average per Seven Innings Pitched ERA/7
Earned Run Average ERA
Innings Pitched IP
1. Dave Quachegan 23.1
2. Cedrick Morin 23.1
3. Kevin Furtney 17.0
4. Richard Byrnes 15.1
5. Thomas Scripnick 10.1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Dave Quachegan 18
2. Cedrick Morin 12
3. Richard Byrnes 11
4. Kevin Furtney 9
5. Thomas Scripnick 8
Hits per Seven Innings Pitched H/7
Hits per Nine Innings Pitched H/9
Bases on Balls per Seven Innings Pitched BB/7
Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched BB/9
Strikeouts per Seven Innings Pitched SO/7
1. Joey Ouellette 14.00
2. Dave Quachegan 7.20
3. Thomas Scripnick 6.77
4. Kevin Furtney 6.59
5. Cedrick Morin 4.20
Strikeouts per 9 innings Pitched SO/9
1. Joey Ouellette 18.00
2. Dave Quachegan 9.26
3. Thomas Scripnick 8.71
4. Kevin Furtney 8.47
5. Cedrick Morin 5.40
Batting Average Against BAA
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
Win-Loss Percentage W-L%
1. Kevin Furtney .500
2. Thomas Scripnick .500
3. Cedrick Morin .333
4. Richard Byrnes .250
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
1. Kevin Furtney 1.78
2. Dave Quachegan 1.33
3. Thomas Scripnick 1.25
4. Cedrick Morin 1.17
5. Joey Ouellette 0.80
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
1. Cedrick Morin 135
2. Dave Quachegan 132
3. Kevin Furtney 89
4. Richard Byrnes 82
5. Thomas Scripnick 61
Note: A minimum of 1 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Fielding Percentage FPCT
1. Shane Gagnon 1.000
2. Felix Collins 1.000
3. Joey Ouellette 1.000
4. Andrew Lucking 1.000
5. Stephen Morgan .944